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Q. 31) When a canal and drainage approach each other at the same level. The structure so provided is
A. A syphon
B. An aquaduct
C. A level crossing
D. inlet and outlet
Q.32) Notch is a device used for measuring…
A. The rate of flow through pipes
B. The rate of flow through a small channel
C. Velocity through a pipe
D. Velocity through a small channel
Q.33) The unit of moment of inertia of mass is
A. Kg-m3
B. Kg-m2
C. Kg-m
D. Kg-m4
Q.34) The approximate void ratio in sandy soils is
A. 0.2
B. 0.8
C. 1.4
D. 0.6
Q.35) An activity requires…
A. Events
B. Energy
C. Resources
D. Time and resources
Q.36) The measurement of depth below the water surface is called
A. Depression
B. Sounding
C. Footing
D. Negative elevation
Q.37) Which angle is equal to zero when the sun is on horizon at sunset time
A. Declination
B. Hour angle
C. Altitude
D. Azimuth
Q.38) The peak value of flood hydrograph can be reduced through….
A. Flood routing
B. Estimating flood
C. Percolation in soil
D. Evaporation from the water surface
Q.39) The sewer which resists sulphide corrosion is...
A. Brick sewer
B. Cast iron sewer
C. R.C.C sewer
D. Lead sewer
Q.40) The first stages of a large construction work to…
A. Contract
B. Design
C. Conception
D. Study and evaluation
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A. A syphon
B. An aquaduct
C. A level crossing
D. inlet and outlet
Q.32) Notch is a device used for measuring…
A. The rate of flow through pipes
B. The rate of flow through a small channel
C. Velocity through a pipe
D. Velocity through a small channel
Q.33) The unit of moment of inertia of mass is
A. Kg-m3
B. Kg-m2
C. Kg-m
D. Kg-m4
Q.34) The approximate void ratio in sandy soils is
A. 0.2
B. 0.8
C. 1.4
D. 0.6
Q.35) An activity requires…
A. Events
B. Energy
C. Resources
D. Time and resources
Q.36) The measurement of depth below the water surface is called
A. Depression
B. Sounding
C. Footing
D. Negative elevation
Q.37) Which angle is equal to zero when the sun is on horizon at sunset time
A. Declination
B. Hour angle
C. Altitude
D. Azimuth
Q.38) The peak value of flood hydrograph can be reduced through….
A. Flood routing
B. Estimating flood
C. Percolation in soil
D. Evaporation from the water surface
Q.39) The sewer which resists sulphide corrosion is...
A. Brick sewer
B. Cast iron sewer
C. R.C.C sewer
D. Lead sewer
Q.40) The first stages of a large construction work to…
A. Contract
B. Design
C. Conception
D. Study and evaluation
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