Hello friends, today we start an MCQ Test series for SSC JE 2019. This is the best time to start the preparation for SSC JE 2019. Because we need 3-4 months for good preparation. Every question of our series has a great chance to come in exams .our team is preparing best study materials for your exams. So don’t waste your time on the different website to search the study materials. Please follow our series to confirm your seat in SSC JE 2019.
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Q. 1) A good malleable material possess____?
A. High degree of plasticity
B. Low degree of plasticity
C. Necessarily great strength
D. The necessarily high degree of ductility
Q.2) At hinge, bending moment will
A. Moderate
B. Low
C. Zero
D. Maximum
A. High degree of plasticity
B. Low degree of plasticity
C. Necessarily great strength
D. The necessarily high degree of ductility
Q.2) At hinge, bending moment will
A. Moderate
B. Low
C. Zero
D. Maximum
Q.3) Water hammer pressure can be considerably reduced using: -
A. Slow closing valves
B. Rapid closing valves
C. Both Slow & rapid closing valves
D. None of Above
Q.4) Where does the Mach number find its maximum significance?
A. Flow in closed conduit pipe
B. In cavitations studies
C. Where fluid compressibility is important
D. In capillary studies
Q.5) Presence of _____in water enhances the process of leaching.
A. Nitrogen
B. Corbandioxide
C. Sulphur
D. Sulphurdioxide
Q.6) In a ductile material, the post-elastic strain is___.
A. Greater than 5%
C. 1%
D. Zero
A. Greater than 5%
C. 1%
D. Zero
Q.7) If at a place, the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 1820 30’; the magnetic declination at the point will be:
A. 20 15’
B. 20 30’
C. -20 30’
D. 30 30’
Q.8) English bonds used in bricks is:
A. Very cheap
C. Cheap as well as costly
D. Costly
Q.9) If the velocity of the pressure wave generated is 2 m/s, the value of critical time is:
A. 2s
B. 1s
C. 5s
D. 4s
Q.10) For laminar flow, Kinetic energy correction factor is:
A. 2
B. 1
C. 1.33
D. 2.7
B. 20 30’
C. -20 30’
D. 30 30’
Q.8) English bonds used in bricks is:
A. Very cheap
C. Cheap as well as costly
D. Costly
Q.9) If the velocity of the pressure wave generated is 2 m/s, the value of critical time is:
A. 2s
B. 1s
C. 5s
D. 4s
Q.10) For laminar flow, Kinetic energy correction factor is:
A. 2
B. 1
C. 1.33
D. 2.7
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