Hello friends, This is our 6th MCQ series for RPSC AEN 2018 & SSC JE 2019. RPSC AEN 2018 Exam date will be announced soon. So it’s the time to clear confusion about concepts. Focus on major subjects like RCC, Strength of material, surveying, fluid mechanics, building materials, soil mechanics & foundation engineering.

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Q. 51) The shoulder provided along the road edge should be
A. Rougher than the traffic lanes
B. Smoother than the traffic lanes
C. Of the same color as that of the pavement
D. Of very low load-bearing capacity
Q.52) Normally the Mastic Asphalt is used for
A. Fireproofing
B. Soundproofing
C. Waterproofing
D. None of these
Q.53) Consolidation time of a soil sample
A. Increase with an increase in permeability
B. Increase with a decrease in permeability
C. Increase with a decrease in unit weight of water
D. Increase with a decrease in compressibility
Q.54) From the surface of the reservoir, evaporation may be minimised by sprinkling:
A. Hydrochloric acid
B. Methane
C. Spirit
D. Acetyl alcohol
Q.55) The total number of independent equations that form the lacey’s regime theory is:
A. 6
B. 3
C. 2
D. 4
Q.56) As the percentage of steel increase :
A. Lever arm increase
B. Lever arm decrease
C. The depth of NA decrease
D. The depth of NA increase
A. Rougher than the traffic lanes
B. Smoother than the traffic lanes
C. Of the same color as that of the pavement
D. Of very low load-bearing capacity
Q.52) Normally the Mastic Asphalt is used for
A. Fireproofing
B. Soundproofing
C. Waterproofing
D. None of these
Q.53) Consolidation time of a soil sample
A. Increase with an increase in permeability
B. Increase with a decrease in permeability
C. Increase with a decrease in unit weight of water
D. Increase with a decrease in compressibility
Q.54) From the surface of the reservoir, evaporation may be minimised by sprinkling:
A. Hydrochloric acid
B. Methane
C. Spirit
D. Acetyl alcohol
Q.55) The total number of independent equations that form the lacey’s regime theory is:
A. 6
B. 3
C. 2
D. 4
Q.56) As the percentage of steel increase :
A. Lever arm increase
B. Lever arm decrease
C. The depth of NA decrease
D. The depth of NA increase
Q.57) In the plastic analysis of steel structures, at the location of plastic hinge:
A. Curvature is zero
B. Moment is infinite
C. Curvature is infinite
D. Moment is zero
Q.58) The Indian standard code use for wind load analysis is:
A. IS 875 Part-3
B. IS 875 Part-2
C. IS 875 Part-4
D. IS 875 Part-1
Q.59) If the soil sample has water content=20%; specific gravity=2.70; and void ratio=0.75 then the degree of saturation of the given sample is
A. 68%
B. 13.8%
C. 44%
D. None of these
Q.60) Minimum thickness of wall where single Flemish bond can be used is:
A. Half brick thick
B. One and a Half brick thick
C. One brick thick
D. Two brick thick
A. Curvature is zero
B. Moment is infinite
C. Curvature is infinite
D. Moment is zero
Q.58) The Indian standard code use for wind load analysis is:
A. IS 875 Part-3
B. IS 875 Part-2
C. IS 875 Part-4
D. IS 875 Part-1
Q.59) If the soil sample has water content=20%; specific gravity=2.70; and void ratio=0.75 then the degree of saturation of the given sample is
A. 68%
B. 13.8%
C. 44%
D. None of these
Q.60) Minimum thickness of wall where single Flemish bond can be used is:
A. Half brick thick
B. One and a Half brick thick
C. One brick thick
D. Two brick thick
MCQ Series-1: Click here
MCQ Series-2: Click here
MCQ Series-3: Click here
MCQ Series-4: Click here
MCQ Series-5: Click here
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